So here we are.  Summer is fast approaching and it seems wherever I turn, I see a sign, hear a commercial, read a post about getting ‘summer body’ ready.  And while I know what they’re referring to, it makes me pause, step back and ponder if they really know what they’re saying.  I mean, is there really a body that’s better or more appropriate for summer than another?  Why is this phrase popping up everywhere…every year?

Maybe it’s because I live in Florida now and it’s summer year round (practically) that this message seems so prevalent.  But do people really realize what message they’re sending when they talk constantly about getting ‘summer body’ ready?  The repercussions are far-reaching, and it’s starting to bug me.  

Summer body implies that your body that is okay at any other time of year is not okay on the beach (or wherever).  You don’t have to say it out loud…I can already hear the conversations you have in your head, the stress about looking just so in shorts.  It can be triggering and toxic…not okay.

This internal conversation then contributes to our diet culture.  So many of the diet programs are NOT a healthy means to the end.  You may or may not know that I work with a company that sells weight-loss products.  I love helping people who are looking to transform themselves into a healthier version (notice I didn’t say smaller version).  Oftentimes, just focusing on the healthier habits will result in becoming that smaller size.  But it’s not about the size; I want to help shift the focus to wellness.

Yes, it’s hard to be at your optimal health if you have excess weight, but by no means does this mean you are worth less because you weigh more.  Worth is not determined by size!

I think about this from my daughter’ perspective.  She watches and listens to everything around her (even if she pretends she doesn’t).  The message I’d like to see her receiving are that she (and everyone else) is worthy just the way they are.  

So, let’s just agree together that we all want to choose self-love and self-worth.  YOU are enough, WE are enough, and your summer body is the body that you are in…no matter the season.  


weight loss is not what you are after


Why do we DULL OUR LIGHt?