weight loss is not what you are after
How many times have you said to yourself, ‘I could stand to lose some weight’? What do you actually mean? What is telling you that the ‘weight’ needs to go?
I’d be willing to bet that before you stepped on the scale to see the number, your clothes (or the mirror) told you all you needed to know.
The reality is, the number on the scale isn’t telling you the whole story. That number is just a momentary numerical reflection of your gravitational pull. It’s not actually telling you what your body composition is.
I’m here to tell you, it’s not the weight you need to lose; it’s the fat that needs to be shown the door.
Weight reflects your overall poundage that includes muscle and water in addition to fat. So, weight loss reflects a loss of all three of those things. Fat loss, however, is JUST a drop in body fat, which is probably what you’re wanting when you decided you wanted to look differently.
The goal, then, is to lose the fat and retain or even build the muscle. And since muscle takes up less space but it denser, the scale might say that you haven’t lost weight, but your clothes are telling you that you’re taking up less space. And that’s the ultimate non-scale victory!
Think about it. The ultimate goal when you want is to change the way you LOOK, right? So, if you’re reducing your caloric intake (gently and slowly, please; it’s not a race) AND increasing activity (also gently and slowly; plan for some rest days), chances are you’re losing fat and building muscle, and ultimately changing shape.
So, here are a few things you can do to support that goal and wave bye-bye to the fat:
Get enough protein. Our bodies need the protein to preserve lean body tissue (a.k.a. muscle). It is super important you do not lose muscle along with the fat. If you lose muscle along with the fat, it will slow your metabolism making long term fat loss incredibly difficult. If you’re living a plant-based diet, protein can come in the form of seeds, nuts, and legumes, so make sure you’re including those in your meals. (this product aids fat loss, and to build & maintain lean muscle mass)
Water, water, water. Drink half your weight in ounces of water EVERY day!
Keep your gut healthy. Taking pre-, pro-, and post-biotics help your body efficiently use the nutrients you take in. (click here for the link to the brand I use & recommend)
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