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Drink warm water with organic raw apple cider vinegar or a squeeze of lemon in the morning. Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a ph balance by restoring the body's alkaline state. Also, lemon has vitamin C which helps in getting rid of acidity and prevents acid reflux.

Dysbiosis is a condition that occurs when there is an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the gut. There are two ways acid reflux and gut dysbiosis are linked. The first is that heartburn or reflux actually might be a symptom of an unbalanced gut microbiome. In fact, this reflux could be your body trying to tell you that something bigger is happening in your body that needs to be addressed. The second link is that over-the-counter reflux medications, such as antacids and PPIs can actually cause gut microflora imbalance.


1. Acid reflux can be caused by gut dysbiosis

Your frequent bouts of heartburn might be your body telling you bigger things are happening in your body, specifically in your gut. The catchall term ‘leaky gut’ is used when we have persistent symptoms of gas / bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and even indigestion, heartburn or GERD and any of these symptoms are a sign of an imbalance of bacteria in the gut. It’s most common for acid reflux to be viewed of as an excess amount of stomach acid, but in fact, it’s usually the opposite - not enough acid to digest food is a major contributor to leaky gut.

2. Acid reflux medication can cause gut dysbiosis

PPIs have been shown to have the potential to alter the normal microbiota of the gut. This change starts in the esophagus where the drugs modify esophageal bacteria and then continues into the stomach, small bowel and colon, altering the bacteria that is typically naturally present. PPIs change the diversity of bacteria in the gut and specifically, studies have shown that the differences between PPI users and non-users are consistently associated with changes that lead to a less healthy gut microbiome. Essentially, these drugs are wiping out good and bad bacteria in your body in their effort to remedy the absence of acid in the stomach.


* Alkaline water has a higher pH level than any other drinking water.

* Overconsumption of alkaline water can be bad for health.

* Alkaline water neutralize the acid in your body

Here's the perfect recipe to make your very own home-made alkaline water-

1 litre of water (filtered)

1 lemon

1 1/8 tablespoon sea salt (Himalayan pink sea salt preferably)


* Take a pitcher and fill it with water.

* Then cut the lemon in half; squeeze half of the lemon in the pitcher and then thinly slice the other half and add it to the water.

* Lastly add your sea salt. Mix it well and let it sit overnight (8-9 hrs at least).

OR use a Salt Sole and drink up!

Go ahead sip on your freshly made alkaline water and make sure to let us know how you feel about it by commenting down below. Enjoy!

Making sure your water supply is alkaline isn’t nearly as important as getting enough to drink. Bottoms up!


improve your gut microbiome