Hi there!

Beginnings are a strange thing aren't they?  Some feel momentous right from the get go, yet others feel necessary.  Either way, I realize now, more than ever that life is constant with new beginnings.  

I grew up in a very rural community in Alberta Canada, on a farm and ranch.   I was surrounded by land mass every which way, yet I always felt like I was somewhat closed in.  While I loved my childhood, the older I got, the more I dreamed of a life bigger than everything I knew around me.  

After I graduated high school, at 18, I packed up and moved away to college, with big dreams.  But what happened was that by 20, and feeling enormous family and societal expectation, I ended up married, with a husband and by 25, we had 2 beautiful kids.  For all intense and purpose, we had a really nice life, but I always knew something was missing in my soul.  When I decided to marry at 20 years old, I believed I could will myself to be happy.  But after 14 years of marriage, I made one of the hardest decisions of my life and much surprise to everyone around me, I left that marriage because I knew in my heart, there was more for me beyond that comfortable life.  Its hard to look back at that time without angst at all the hurt and heartache I caused.  But, when I hear myself tell talk about it, I feel brave.  It feels courageous that I didn't just settle for mediocre.  It feels powerful that I did something so hard, on my own, that not one person in my life understood, and I rose on the other side of it all.  There was a point in that transitional time when I knew I owed it to myself, but equally important to me, was that I owed it to my little humans to show them that they do not have to settle for life of circumstance or mediocrity, but they indeed, can design a life they desire.  And with that end, became so many new beginnings.  Big and small.  

It is my intention with my new blog to take you on the journey of my life experiences that I believe can give others hope.  That helps others believe that they too can get through the challenges, tragedies and heartaches of life and still be grateful, abundant and joyous.  The way I see it, we can all use a reminder that it all really comes down to series of beginnings.  One after the other.  And, at least for me, without fail, the moment I feel like I've gotten to a point where I can hit cruise control, take my foot off the gas or take a break for even a split second, there is a sea of change and we're right back to another new beginning, grand or insignificant.  In business and in life, you cannot fast forward through the hard stuff.  Just as change has been constant in my story, there are seasons-good and bad-but with a willingness and grit, there are things you can do to take control of how you respond and work harder than whatever is working against you!  

All of my new beginnings were the path that led me to learn and grow and get here today.  I have learned to manifest and attract incredible things and people in my life, living a life that I am creating vs living a life that I accepted.   

This is a new beginning for us, and I look forward to having you with me from one new beginning to another.




Why do we DULL OUR LIGHt?